Our Family's Journey Through Time
Matches 1 to 5 of 5
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | Bondesen, Hans | 1771 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510479 | My Genealogy |
2 | Hansdatter, Gunde | 1738 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510483 | My Genealogy |
3 | Hansdatter, Gunder | 1797 | Broeng Aal sogn | I502537 | My Genealogy |
4 | Sørensdatter af Skødstrup, Ane | 1775 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510480 | My Genealogy |
5 | Sørensen, Bonde | 1736 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510482 | My Genealogy |
Matches 1 to 5 of 5
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Died | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | 1783 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510485 | My Genealogy | |
2 | Bondesen, Hans | 13 Mar 1840 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510479 | My Genealogy |
3 | Hansdatter, Gunde | 1797 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510483 | My Genealogy |
4 | Sørensdatter af Skødstrup, Ane | 6 Apr 1844 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510480 | My Genealogy |
5 | Sørensen, Bonde | 1794 | Broeng Aal sogn | I510482 | My Genealogy |
We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know.